Completely Thrombotic Occlusion of left Brachiobasilic Fistula Thrombolysis Venoplasty done Good Result
Angioembolization of traumatic right internal iliac artery ( posterior branch)injuries
Right femoropopliteal bypass with synthetic graft+graft to posterior tibial artery vein bypass
Nonhealing venous ulcer by more than 3 year treated by endovenous Thermal ablation of sephanous vein, after 5 days wound almost heal
Renal Artery Stenting
Rental Artery Stanting 1
Rental Artery Stanting 2
Rental Artery Stanting 3
Rental Artery Stanting 4
EVAR (Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair), 75 years old female discharge on next day
Pseudoanurysm Of Radiocephalic Fistula
Left Femoro-anterior Tibial Artery Bypass (Patient jas severe rest pain and pregangrenous changes in toes, previously thrombectomy done 3 yrs back outside, good result)
Left leg femoro popliteal artery vein bypass at p3 level (Nonhealing ulcer with gangrene of 2nd toe)
Critical stenosis in right iliac artery. Right iliac artery stenting done
Central Venoplasty (gross swelling in left upper limb with swelling invovling left face with complete central venous obstruction in known case of ESRD With left brachiocephalic fistula)
Large vascular tumour involving artery vein and brachial plexus excised sucessfully
Right brachiocephalic artery stenting in follow up case of aortofemoral bypass.
Central Venous Stenting- Central venous stenting (k/c/o ESRD With left BCAVF swelling in left hand previously 4 time central venoplasty done)
Right Renal Artery Stenting- Ostial crtiacal stenosis and hypentensive patient, blood pressure not controlled with three antihypertensive drugs.
Central venoplasty- Central venous stenosis in dialysis dependent patient with left brachiocephalic fistula
Axillary Artery to Brachial Artery Vein Bypass (vascular trauma , humerus bone fracture)
Internal Carotid Artery Aneuysm Repair
Popliteal Artery Aneursm Repair
Anterior Tibial Artery to Dorsal Artery Vein Bypass
Axillofemoral + femoropopliteal bypass ( dense adhesion between intestine and aorta no separate plane so Dr Prashant boss suggest cancel aortofemoral so intraoperative decision change and axillofemoral+ fempop done , post op ata and PTA palpable , discharged).
Basilic Vein Transposition.
Right lower limb critical ischemia with non healing ulcer so femoral artery to anterior tibial artery vein bypass (Femoro anterior tibial artery bypass).
Femoro- Posterior Tibial Artery Vein Bypass.
60 year male patient with uncontroll diabetes , forefoot gangrene and below knee vessel disease,below knee angioplasty and debridement done ,also regular dressing and diabetes uncontrol,wound ready to skin graft
Young male with RTA completely lacerated distal femoral arty, thrombectomy+ reverse gsv bypass+ fasciotomy
Latest advances in varicose veins treatment ( endovascular glue embolization) ,no anaesthesia requirement, no tumescent anaesthesia, immediately discharge, excellent results,
Gross hemoptysis in known case of pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial artery embolization done